Make Your Website VIRAL

๐Ÿ‘€One of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website or blog is to make it easy for your existing customers to tell their friends about it and recommend it to others through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others or through just plain old email. Nothing can be better promotion than satisfied customers recommending your website to their friends.

๐Ÿ‘‰      Shareaholic  is a website that allows you to create free widgets that you can add to your website or blog so that it becomes easier for your users to share it with others. The best part about using Shareaholic is that it does not require you to have any coding experience at all. With the help of their intuitive interface, anybody with basic Internet Knowledge can use the shareaholic website to create widgets in a matter of minutes.

There are two different types of useful widgets that Shareaholic allows you to create :

฿‰ Share Buttons: Just like the name suggest, these are actual buttons that you can add to your website which will allow visitors to share content they like with their friends and Followers on Facebook,Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest and pretty much all other popular social networks. You can completely customize the look and feel of these buttons based on your preferences.

฿‚  Related Content: Not only is it important to drive more traffic to your website, it is also important to create a 'sticky' relationship with your customers so that they increasingly spend more time on your website. If you have lot of articles or blog Post on your website, then it may be a good idea to show on each page other related articles or post that your visitors can also view. the idea is to somehow get your visitors to remain on your website for as long as possible. Such a widget can easily be created using shareaholic.

เฑฉ  Contact Importer: Allowing your users to upload contacts from their address books (like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, and Mac Address Book) can be extremely useful in adding more functionality to your website. Such a feature not only allows users to share your content with their contacts, it allows you to use the contact importer to create more social connections and interactions between your users on your website. CloudSponge allows you to easily create a widget that you can then add to your website and import contacts of your users.

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